Managing Field Activities (for Field Advisors)

Video Tutorial

Mauricio Wright - CACWT Manager

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

This video tutorial walks through the steps for responding to a trainee's Field Activity submission.

Field Advisors will receive a notification from the Blackboard side of CACWT when Trainees submit responses to the Field Activity Assignments.

  1. Trainees will need to then log in to CACWT
  2. Toggle to their Field Advisor role
  3. Click "Go to LMS" from their Administrator Dashboard
  4. Locate the corresponding Field Activity Course 
  5. Enter the Gradebook
  6. Then, mark the grade for the Trainee submission.
  7. In addition, Field Advisors are being asked to complete the Field Advisor Evaluation located in the Field Advisor folder on the course overview page.  

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