1.1.2 - Course Catalog and Self-Registration

Section 1, Item 1 - Trainee Dashboard Overview

Mauricio Wright - CACWT Manager

Last Update 2 jaar geleden


Course registration is simple via the CACWT course catalog.


1. Navigate to the CACWT course catalog. Note: A link to the course catalog link also appears on the CACWT sign in page. Note: You do not need to be logged in to view the course catalog, however, it is required to register for a course.

2. Course catalog homepage for Child Welfare Workers:

Figure 1.1.2a - Screenshot of Child Welfare Workers course catalog.

3. Use the search bar at the top to search for your course(s) or scroll down and find the course.

4. Select the “register” button associated with the course(s).

5. Once you have selected the course(s) you’d like to enroll in, click “Proceed to Checkout” at the top of the page.

6 You will be directed to the course confirmation page which lists course details such as the name, and instructors.

7. Select the “Confirm” button to complete registration.

8. Once successfully registered, you will receive an email confirmation. The course will also appear on your Trainee Dashboard. 

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