How to Create a Section

Registration Management

Mauricio Wright - CACWT Manager

Last Update 3 ปีที่แล้ว

Creating a section can be managed in two ways:

Option 1: Sections Module

  1. Open the sections module from your administrator dashboard
  2. Select "Add Section"
  3. Update the Section name by amending the suffix to reflect the date of training in the 6 digit format (mo,date,year without any separators "000000")
  4. Complete the additional mandatory fields in blue
    1. Credits are equal to the numbers of training hours
    2. Add start and end date only if the training is being made for self-enrollment
    3. In the LMS field, select "CFSD_Ultra"
    4. Leave LMS Course ID blank
    5. Populate all other fields as desired

    Option 2: Import CSV

    Confirm with your Affiliation Manager that you have the appropriate permissions to submit a CSV Import

    1. Configure your import file using the provided "Sections Template" (Accessible from the ARC)
    2. Go to Sections module and choose the "Import CSV" option
    3. Browse your device for the appropriate file
    4. Then, click upload.

    You may review the results of your upload by clicking the access log link. 

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