Attendance Activity Management

Tutorial Video

Mauricio Wright - CACWT Manager

Last Update 3 ปีที่แล้ว

CACWT Training Assitants should be prepared to walk trainees through this process during the day of training.

Trainees are only obligated to select "True" indicating that they are prepared to move forward with training.

Please keep in mind that the grade book API that transfers completion status from Blackboard to Genius may take up to 30 minutes to process the transfer.  The accumulation of all completed activities will tiger the API.

Instructions for management:

  1. Change the status of the attendance activity to "Visible to students"
  2. Inform trainees to access and answer the question.

If you would prefer to manually manage attendance, click on the grade book at the top right of the course.

  1. Change view to grid format
  2.  Within each trainee row, update the grade for the activity.
  3. Then, click "Post"

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