2.3 - Managing Training Curriculum

Section 2, Item 3

Carrie (CalSWEC)

Last Update 2 年前

Description: Instructors should familiarize themselves with their training curriculum. Below is a sample course page. Before proceeding, make sure you are in the Instructor role and on the appropriate course page (for information on how to access the Instructor role, refer to Section 2.1).

Instructions: The Course Content section includes a variety of items that may be visible to students and/or course administrators. Note that the eye icon indicates whether content is visible or hidden to students.

Figure 2.3a: Sample CACWT course page homepage with items labeled a through g.

Although each course may vary in what content is available, common elements include:

A.) The top of the page shows the course title and includes tabs to access to the course Calendar, Discussions, Gradebook, Messages, and Analytics.

B.) Student Preview - This allows course administrators to view the course pages as a learner would.
C.) Getting Started/Welcome - This section introduces students to the course. format. Trainer Curriculum Materials - Course materials specific to the trainer/instructor/course staff. Join Zoom - If the course will be taught live, this section of the page will include a link to join the course that will be active during the scheduled time.
D.) “Details and Actions” - This column includes the course roster, allows a course image to be uploaded, attendance link, announcements, books & tools and question banks.
E.) Training Materials and Activities - Course materials specific to the students.
F.) These links direct users to the Trainee Dashboard and online assistance and course attendance.
G.) The question mark icon provides access to Blackboard support and debugging tools.

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